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How will I receive my refund if I drop classes or a class was canceled?

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Pellissippi State will begin processing fee adjustments beginning approximately two weeks after the end of each refund period. It takes several weeks to process all the fee adjustments. The college will deduct from proposed refunds any amount owed by the student to the college.

  1. Fee adjustments for fees paid by credit card will be credited back to the card used to pay fees. If payment is made with multiple credit card accounts, refunding will be based on the order payment was received, i.e., the last (most recent) card used to make a payment for the current term will be credited first up to the full amount paid on that card, then the second card will be credited, etc. It will be the responsibility of the credit card holders to apportion any refund amongst themselves. If the card used to pay fees is no longer active a refund check will be mailed to the student. Refunding will begin approximately two weeks after the end of each refund period.
  2. Fee adjustments for fees paid by Cash, Check or Money Order, will be mailed to you approximately two weeks after the end of each refund period. Please make sure that Pellissippi State has your correct mailing addressbecause having outdated mailing information may increase the time it takes to receive your check.
  3. Fee adjustments for students on the Deferred Fee Payment Plan will cause a recalculation of installment payment amounts. Students are still responsible for any unpaid tuition, fees, and other charges after fee adjustments are made.
  4. Fee adjustments for students who receive financial aid may be returned to the financial aid program and/or applied to the balances owed to the college. This also applies to accounts paid by any third party sponsor, such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Veteran's Administration, Waivers or Discounts.
  5. Refunds less than $5 must be claimed at the Cashier's Office at any campus during normal office hours.